PPC Seminar to Survey Digital Printing Impact on Folding Carton Converters
- Published: September 23, 2002, By PRESS RELEASE
Paperboard Packaging Council (PPC) Fall Technical & Production (T&P) Forum; November 7 and 8 , 2002; Renaissance Orlando Hotel - Airport; Orlando, FL.
ALEXANDRIA, VA, USA—The Paperboard Packaging Council (PPC) will provide a look at digital's impact on the folding carton converting industry at its upcoming fall technical and production (T&P) forum, slated for November 7 and 8. According to the PPC, the program, "Digital Printing and Paperboard Packaging," will feature presentations designed to shed light on various aspects of digital printing, "providing personal accounts and converters' experiences," adds the trade group.
PPC says the seminar is comprised of four sessions, which include:
- Overview of Digital Printing
Kevin Karstedt of Karstedt Associates, USA, will discuss the latest developments in digital printing; drivers for emergence and digital changes in the market; the future of digital printing; and the effects on paperboard packaging converters;
- Update on Digital Imaging Technology
Agfa, Creo, Heidelberg are scheduled to provide an update on the technical advances of computer to plate (CTP) and other digital imaging technologies;
- Supplier Perspectives
Experts from material and equipment suppliers will share their knowledge of digital printing equipment; point out advantages and disadvantages of the technology relative to current and potential alternatives; and discuss integrating digital technology with current capabilities and equipment applications. Speakers from such suppliers as MAN Roland, Flint Ink, KBA, Chromas Technologies, Heidelberg, and Sun Jet Ink are slated to speak during this session.
- Converter Perspectives
Leading production managers will offer tips and insight into the driving factors of digital printing, customer relations, technology integration, cost cutting, and process improvement.
PPC says the forum is open to both members and non-members; member registration is $350 and $450 for non-members. A special seminar room rate ($119/night) is reserved for seminar participants (offer extends through October 7, 2002); contact the Renaissance Orlando Hotel - Airport at 1-800-HOTELS-1 or at 407/240-1000 and mention the PPC rate when making reservations.
More information about the digital printing T&P forum is available from James Brown at 703/826-3300; email: jbrown@ppcnet.org. Visit PPC at ppcnet.org.