FFTA 'FIRST' Road Show: Toronto
- Published: June 10, 2002, By PRESS RELEASE
RONKONKOMA, NY, USA—FTA (Flexographic Technical Association) encourages those involved with flexography to attend its "FIRST" Road Show, slated for June 19, 2002, in Toronto, ON, Canada. According to the converting industry trade group, the program will focus on FFTA's "FIRST" (Flexographic Image Reproduction Specifications and Tolerances) initiative, which, says FFTA, "ensures the package [printing] process will be high quality, fast, cost effective, and profitable for everyone involved."
FTA says topics to be covered include:
measuring color;
press characterization;
flexo color data control;
digital color formats;
color management systems;
industry standards and equipment calibration;
scanning; and
contact proofs.
FTA says the seminar cost per person for an FTA-member location is $295; cost per person for non-FTA-member location is $450.00. Cost includes materials, FIRST Second Edition, contintental breakfast, lunch, and "information-packed day of flexo education!"
Accommodations are available at the Wyndham Bristol Place Hotel, Toronto Airport; 416/675-9444 (ph); 416/675-2037 (fax). More information is available through the FTA at 631/737-6020, or send a message to orders@flexography.org. More information about FFTA and FTA is available at flexography.org.