
Digital Magazine

Global Expertise at AIMCAL

AIMCAL Fall Technical Conference, October 21–23, 2002, Hilton Sedona Resort and Spa, Sedona, AZ

FORT MILL, SC, USA—An outstanding roster of top consultants, members of academia, and practioners is scheduled to give presentations on all aspects of web coating at the upcoming AIMCAL fall technical conference, says the trade group. According to the Association of Industrial Metallizers, Coaters, and Laminators, the meeting is combined with the 16th Intl. Vacuum Web Coating Conferece (a.k.a. the Bakish Conference). The forum includes concurrent tracks on web coating/laminating and vacuum web coating as well as environmental/safety updates and joint sessions on web handling.

AIMCAL says the vacuum web coating track focuses on barrier advancements, coating equipment advances, and process innovations. The coating/laminating track focuses precision coating and ancillary equipment, functional coatings, and associated technologies. Presentations on regulatory issues and compliance and safety issues round out the three-day conference. In addition, the agenda includes a tabletop exhibition, vendor sessions, networking receptions, and a golf scramble.

Online registration is available at http://www.aimcal.org, or you can request registration materials by contacting the AIMCAL office @ 803/802-7820 (ph); 803/802-7821 (fax); email: aimcal@aimcal.org.

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