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NPE to Offer Extensive Range of Education at Expo

NPE 2003, June 23-27, 2003, McCormick Place, Chicago, IL, USA

WASHINGTON, DC, USA—Citing the largest selection of educational programs ever offered to visitors at an NPE plastics exposition, the Society of Plastics Industry, Inc. (SPI) reports it has published the complete agenda for the NPE 2003 Conference. SPI says it has outlined "an unusually diverse range of other business and technical sessions," which will be concurrent with the NPE 2003 trade expo.

Says Jordan L. Morgensterm, SPI's VP of trade shows, "Processing innovations, new materials, emerging design technologies, market trends, management issues, global trade, professional training—these are the topics to be addressed in numerous educational programs planned for NPE 2003 show week." He adds, "Combined with the wealth of information and insights that await every visitor on the show floor itself, these programs provide members of the plastics industry with an unmatched opportunity to increase competitiveness of their companies and advance themselves professionally."

According to SPI, the conference part of the NPE event was organized by the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE), and the conference opens with a plenary session on Tuesday, June 24, 2003, then proceeds with 68 presentations by industry experts. All sessions will be free of charge to registered NPE visitors and will take place in McCormick Place South.

In addition to the SPE conference offerings, NPE will feature other informational and educational events during the expo. Details and online registration are available at npe.org/education; once there, click on "Additional SPI Offerings." Other offerings include:

  • SPI Symposium: Global Packaging Regulation: Organized by SPI's Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Packaging Materials committee, this day-and-a-half event will feature speakers from around the world. Scheduled for June 24, 2003, 8 am to 5pm and June 25, 2003, 8 am to 12 pm, the symposium will include a continental breakfast both days, and a buffet lunch and evening reception on Tuesday, June 24. For information and registration, go to plasticsindustry.org/public/fooddrug.htm#Events.
  • Global Economy and the China Factor: This breakfast briefing, from 8 to 10 am, Wednesday, June 25, 2003, will examine the state of the industry in light of economic globalization and the growing presence of China. James Buonomo of Nypro Inc. will moderate a panel discussion by international manufacturing experts. For information and registration, go to plasticsindustry.org/business/international/npeflyer.pdf or email Ms. Risikat I. Okedeyi at rokedeyi@socplas.org.
  • Turning Data into Dollars: In this hands-on seminar, slated for Tuesday, June 24, 2003, 9:30 to noon, plastics business forecaster Bill Wood of Mountaintop Economics & Research Inc. will reveal "how to find and understand current economic data, merge it with your own, and develop plans to increase sales and profits. For information and to register, email Bill Wood at billwood@plasticseconomics.com.
More information about NPE 2003 can be found at npe.org. Learn more about SPI at plasticsindustry.org.

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