GAA Calls for Entries for 2004 Golden Cylinder Awards
- Published: August 18, 2003, By PRESS RELEASE
ROCHESTER, NY, USA—The Gravure Association of America is calling for entries for its 2004 Golden Cylinder Awards competition. Deadline for entries is 5 pm (EST) November 14, 2003.
According to GAA, it conducts the annual competition to promote the gravure process and to provide peer recognition for technical achievement. "The competition is designed to identify the 'Best of the Best' in each segment of the industry and to distinguish technical innovations," adds GAA.
GAA's entry requirements include:
All entries must be produced during the 2003 calendar year and must use the gravure process. Entries must be production units against an order, except for the supplier innovation category. The entrant must designate the Golden Cylinder Award category for which they are entering, subject to final review by the GAA Golden Cylinder Awards committee. Entrants will be notified of any changes in their category. Entries in the supplier innovation category must include complete description and supporting evidence of the technical innovation, including a factual statement of support from one or more customers or users.
GAA says entry fees are as follows:
One to four entries: $125 each for members; $300 each for non-members
Five or more entries: $100 each for members; $250 each for non-members
Contact Dick Dunnington at 585/436-2150 or for more information about the Golden Cylinder Awards competition. Visit GAA at