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FTA Names New Technical Director

RONKONKOMA, NY, USA—The Flexographic Technical Association (FTA) reports it's named Richard (Rick) A. Mix to the 26-member professional staff of the trade organization. According to FTA president Mark Cisternino, Mix's charge is three fold:

  • Reach out to FTA members to begin establishing new relationships;
  • Better understand technical and training needs of FTA member firms; and
  • Identify the most pressing issues facing companies today and develop strategies for succeeding in the challenging business environment of tomorrow.
Cisternino credits Mix with having made significant contributions to FTA, its foundation (FFTA), and other professional societies and trade groups over the course of his decade-plus association with the flexographic printing community. "Rick has worked with FTA/FFTA on a variety of technical and training projects. His accomplishments include: serving as presenter on a number of programs; assisting with the development of the FlexSys Press Simulator; and working closely with FFTA on a multimedia partnership with his former employer, All Printing Resources (APR). In addition to his significant contributions to FTA, Rick has served other respected industry service and educational organizations, including the Tag and Label Manfacturers Institute (TLMI) and Fox Valley Technical College. As a result, FFTA's new director is very familiar with the objectives of our group and will hit the ground running as he embarks on this new stage in his career," Cisternino adds.

Mix will be based out of the Chicago suburb of Bartlett, IL, and can be contacted via email at: rmix@flexography.org. Visit FTA at flexography.org.

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