
Digital Magazine

Conference on Web Handling Calls For Papers

STILLWATER, OK | The Web Handling Research Center at Oklahoma State Univ. has issued a Call for Papers for its Tenth Intl. Conference on Web Handling. The conference, which will be held June 7—10, 2009, is looking to present papers on Lateral Mechanics, Dynamics and Control; Longitudinal Dynamics and Tension Control; Measurement Techniques and Sensors; Out-of-Plane Dynamics and Web Flutter; Slitting and Runability; Winding and Unwinding; and Wrinkling.

Contributors are invited to submit unpublished original papers on the topics of interest. Papers will be selected by the program committee based on an abstract not exceeding 500 words, which describes the basic problem, methods used, and results and conclusions.

To submit a paper, contact Professor James K. Good, Program Chair, IWEB2009, c/o Mrs. Sharon Green, Web Handling Research Ctr., EN 218, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, OK 74078-5016; ph: 405/744-5900; fax: 405/744-7873; sharon.green@okstate.edu.

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