
Digital Magazine

Pira Report: Global Markets for Plastic Card Materials and Technologies to 2013

SURREY, UK | The number of plastic cards in our wallets is growing every day, and the uses for them are growing every day as well. However, ensuring these often financially linked cards are secure is an ongoing challenge for financial institutions and manufacturers.

Pira Intl.’s new report, “Global Markets for Plastic Card Materials and Technologies to 2013,” provides the information needed to understand this marketplace and the direction it is taking to 2013. It details the latest trends and statistics that will keep people informed of industry developments over the next five years, including quantitative market sizes and forecasts to 2013 by volume and value; global markets by end use and geographic region; and key drivers and technological developments.

For more information or to order, visit www.intertechpira.com; email: Stephen.hill@pira-international.com

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