2009 TAPPI PLACE Flexible Packaging Summit Is Set
- Published: January 30, 2009
COLUMBUS, OH | The 2009 TAPPI PLACE Flexible Packaging Summit (Polymers, Laminations, Adhesives, Coatings and Extrusions) will be held April 28-30, 2009, in Columbus, OH. The event will include the two-day Consumer Packaging Solutions for Barrier Performance Course and the Symposium on Nanomaterials for Flexible Packaging.
Registration is encouraged before March 28, 2009, to save hundreds of dollars off the full-price fee. TAPPI members receive preferential pricing for all registration options. The Consumer Packaging Solutions for Barrier Performance Course will include: Technical presentations dealing with the technology, materials, coatings and processes that can be used to meet these product expectations; Roundtable discussions with industry celebrities; and Interactive study sessions.
Expert speakers will lead sessions that address packaging requirements for snack/consumer packaging, as well as the consumer packaging challenges for flexible snack food packaging and barrier requirements. Keynote speakers will be Ken Laverdure, Packaging R&D, Sustainability and Advanced Materials Group, Frito-Lay North America; and Dan Feldmeier, senior associate principal engineer, Kraft Food/Oscar Mayer.
The Symposium on Nanomaterials for Flexible Packaging will cover the latest developments in nano barrier enhancement, the impact of anti-microbial nanotechnologies, the impact of active packaging, integrating intelligent packaging nanotechnologies with biodegradable films and food packages, as well as issues, challenges, and the future of nanomaterials for flexible packaging.
For details, visit www.tappi.org/09placesummit. For sponsorship information, contact Robert ‘Bob’ Wheeler at 404-353-6667, or rwheeler@tappi.org. Information is also available through TAPPI’s Member Connection Ctr., 800-332-8686, 770-446-1400 (US); 800-446-9431 (Canada); email: memberconnection@tappi.org.
TAPPI is an association for the worldwide pulp, paper, packaging, and converting industries and co-publisher of Paper360°. Through information exchange, trusted content, and networking opportunities, TAPPI helps members elevate their performance by providing solutions that lead to better, faster, and more cost-effective ways of doing business. Visit www.tappi.org for more information.