Remote Proofing: Have Lunch This Week with Fujifilm WGMT
- Published: June 02, 2003, By PRESS RELEASE
WGMT/Fujifilm Lunch Break Event
@ Fujifilm, 850 Central Ave.
Hanover Park, IL, 11:30 am to 1pm
Lunch at 11:30 followed by presentation and open discussion
CHICAGO, IL, USA—Women in Graphic Media Technology (WGMT) and Fujifilm say there is still space available for their June 5, 2003, luncheon that will highlight the advantages of remote proofing. "Attend this informative, dynamic [event], and you'll take away the knowledge you'll need to make an informed decision about your future proofing and workflow needs as well as how to remain competitive in the marketplace," says the Lunch Break Event sponsors.
"Remote proofing is quickly becoming a practice that can save [your operation] both time and money with quicker turnarounds, reduced shipping costs, collaborative proofing, and the ability to make last-minute changes inexpensively," says WGMT.
Free for WGMT members and open to non-members for $20, the sesssion will address the state of remote proofing in today's digital age and Fujifilm will answer such questions as:
- What's the difference between remote and soft proofing?
- How does remote proofing work?
- Should I be using remote proofing?
- What are the benefits to my company? to my customers?
- What's the return on investment (ROI)?
WGMT adds that should an attendee secure his or her charter membership during the Lunch Break, the $20 meeting cost will be waived.
Lunch Break sponsors say limited seating is available. To register, contact Julie Brink at Raine Consulting at 630/629-3410 or at Visit for more information.