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IMDA Offers Membership Discount

SCOTTSDALE, AZ | The In-Mold Decorating Assn. is offering its first ever discount on corporate memberships. In honor of NPE2009, IMDA is offering a 25% discount on new, one year corporate memberships. For a company with sales of $3 million or more, dues for a new corporate membership, usually$1,000, will be $750 through June 30, 2009.

The In-Mold Decorating Assn. is an organization of molders, printers, material suppliers and equipment manufacturers committed to the development and growth of in-mold decorating products, technologies and markets. For more information and a discounted membership application form, visit the IMDA website at www.imdassociation.com, or contact Executive Director, Ron Schultz at 480/473-0301; ron.schultz@imdassociation.com

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