
Digital Magazine

Internet and Catalog Orders to Boost Protective Packaging

CLEVELAND, OH, USA—Protective packaging demand is projected to increase nearly five percent to $3 billion in 2006. That's according to Freedonia Group's recent study Protective Packaging. The higher demand will be due to expanding Internet and mail-order catalog sales as well as the highly customized requirements of end-use packaging applications, the Cleveland-based industrial-market research firm reports.

Other factors driving growth include the influential role played by distribution networks in the marketing and sale of protective products and services as well as the proliferating free-trade agreements that are promoting greater global outsourcing activity, says Freedonia. "Best opportunities are anticipated for inflatable bags, bubble packaging, molded foams, and protective mailers. Highlights of the study include:

  • Foamed and other plastic protective packaging will continue to expand at the expense of paperboard and related materials
  • Protective mailer demand will rise 4.7 percent per year to $1 billion in 2006
  • Inflatable bag demand will expand at a double-digit pace, while bubble packaging will expand at an above-average rate
  • Paperboard protector growth will be stimulated by continued demands from appliance and other durable goods industries

Protective Packaging (published May 2002, 170 pgs) is available for $3700. Contact Freedonia at pr@freedoniagroup.com, or by phone at 440/684-9600. Visit Freedonia at freedoniagroup.com.

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