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IMDA Extends Awards Competition Deadline

TEMPE, AZ | The In-Mold Decorating Assn. has extended its deadline to receive entries for this year’s IMDA Awards Competition to July 10.

The 2009 Competition will recognize the industry’s best in-mold labeled packaging and in-mold decorated durable products. Judging criteria for the winning entries are based on creativity in design, engineering, and innovation in the following categories: Best Part Design; Best Thin Wall Packaging; Best Injection Mold Part; Best Blow Mold Part; Best IMD Durable Product; Best Label Design; and Best Product Family (common style or brand).

Winners will be recognized at IMLCON09 and IMDCON09, Oct. 28—30, 2009, in Tempe AZ, and will be announced in trade publications, including PFFC and Package Design Magazine. Complete entry details, rules, and an entry form are available at http://www.imdassociation.com/ resources/2009awardsentryform1.pdf or by contacting Ron Schultz, executive director of IMDA, at 480-473-0301 or by Email at mailtoron.schultz@imdassociation.com:.

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