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TAPPI Volunteers Create Young Professionals Committee

NORCROSS, GA | TAPPI’s newest committee will be aimed at helping industry students and those beginning their careers by linking industry newcomers with experienced professionals. Called the Young Professionals Committee, the group was formed at the suggestion of Univ. of Washington student Zac Mahlum, who will serve as committee chair.

The YP Committee held its inaugural meeting June 1, 2009 at PaperCon ’09 in St. Louis, MO. Discussion centered on how TAPPI can help young professionals manage the transition between student life and career success. More than 30 students, new professionals, PIMA Div. leaders, and TAPPI staff were on hand to launch the group with a brainstorming session that will set the course for the new committee.

By the end of the first meeting, the YP Committee had identified five areas on which to focus its efforts and had identified group members to lead each area. Action areas include: establishing a “social media” presence; developing a content-rich web page; planning next year’s conference track; planning a social/networking event for PaperCon 2010; and beginning work on a handbook for schools.

All TAPPI members beginning their industry careers, as well as all TAPPI Student Chapter members, are encouraged to become a part of the newly-formed committee. As with all TAPPI committees, there is no additional membership fee for becoming involved. To learn more about being a part of TAPPI’s Young Professionals Committee, contact Eric Fletty at efletty@tappi.org.

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