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Business Development Advisory Offers Study of North American Paper Industry

MARIETTA, GA | Business Development Advisory, a specialized management consulting firm focused on the paper and packaging industry, announces a new in-depth study of energy use and opportunities in the North American Paper industry.

Entitled “Energy Assets, Usage, and Costs of the North American Paper Industry," this 92-p detailed report contains over 80 tables and charts plus insightful analysis of the current status and opportunities with respect to energy assets, use, and costs in the North American paper industry. Powered by the FisherSolve industry database, this quantitative study provides new insights into the state of the industry and resulting energy opportunities available to industry stakeholders.

With approximately $11 billion in energy spending and nearly 2.7 quadrillion Btu's of energy consumed in the industry on annual basis, energy is an area of tremendous cost and opportunity for industry producers, suppliers, and investors. The growing focus on new renewable fuel sources, increased energy efficiency, and higher levels of energy self sufficiency have created a tremendous amount of interest and debate on how best to leverage industry capabilities and tap into the available developmental opportunities.

Claimed the first-ever, in-depth industry study, it provides the core information needed to begin to tap into this opportunity and identify the best areas of focus. Whether there is a particular interest involving the replacement or rebuilding of core energy assets, providing or developing lower cost or renewable fuel sources, reducing energy consumption across the various mill processes, or increasing energy productivity and efficiency, this study is said to provide the quantitative information needed to accurately assess an opportunity and develop an effective game plan.

The price for a PDF copy of this study for use in one location is $1,950. To license the use of this product in more than one location within a company, the price is an additional fee of $300. A 10% discount off the price of the first copy is available to TAPPI members with a valid member ID (TAPPI price of $1,755).

Contact Frank Perkowski at 770-643-9081, or frank@bd-advisory.com with any questions or comments.

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