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IMDA Announces 2010 Awards Competition

SCOTTSDALE, AZ | The In-Mold Decorating Assn. is now accepting entries for the Fourth Annual IMDA Awards Competition. The 2010 Competition will recognize the industry’s best in-mold labeled packaging and in-mold decorated durable products. The winning entries are chosen based on creativity in design, engineering and innovation in the following categories:
• Best Part Design
• Best Thin Wall Packaging
• Best Injection Mold Part
• Best Blow Mold Part
• Best IMD Durable Product
• Best Label Design
• Best Product Family (common style or brand)

Entries must be received at IMDA by June 1, 2010. Award winners will be recognized at IMLCON10 and IMDCON10, Sept. 29-30, 2010, in Miami, FL. The award winners will be featured in the Package Design Magazine and Paper, Film & Foil Converter (PFFC).

Complete entry details, rules and entry form are available at www.imdassociation.com, or by contacting Ron Schultz, executive director, In-Mold Decorating Assn., 8912 E. Pinnacle Peak Rd., #609, Scottsdale, AZ 85255, 480-473-0301; ron.schultz@imdassociation.com.

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