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FTA Great Lakes Group Schedules March Meeting

RONKONKOMA, NY | The Great Lakes Group (GLG) of the Flexographic Technical Assn. is finalizing details for its next meeting at Harper College at 4:30 P.M. on March 18. Speakers will include Dan Doherty, Prairie State, VP of manufacturing for a narrow and mid-web printer, who will discuss how the company implemented FIRST standards in its facility to improve quality; Roy Bohnen, Epson Product Specialist, a leader in color management theory, will discuss new color proofing technologies being introduced by Epson; Ian Hole–VP market development, Esko Graphics, will address the company’s new High Def flexo capabilities; Richard Black–All Printing Resources, will give a presentation on G7; and Mary Mekeburg, social media coach, will discuss incorporation of Twitter into a social media marketing strategy.

The meeting will begin with a tour of the Harper College Graphic Arts facilities. Refreshments will be provided courtesy of DuPont.

The fee is $10 for FTA members, seniors and students; $15 for non members. (Proceeds generated go to the FFTA Scholarship fund). RSVP to David Lanska, FTA Great Lakes Group chairman, at david.lanska@yahoo.com.

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