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IMDA Announces Student Design Competition

SCOTTSDALE, AZ | The In-Mold Decorating Assn. has announced its first annual Student IML/IMD Design Competition. This competition will recognize the best original student designs of plastic packaging and durable products that incorporate in-mold labeling (IML), or in-mold decorating (IMD) as an integral part of the design. It is open to college and university students enrolled in plastics engineering and design courses as part of an undergraduate degree program.

Students participating in this program will learn the superior physical and aesthetic properties that in-mold labeling or decorating imparts to their product designs. In addition to designing their plastic products, the students will research in-mold technology and applications so that they can create a credible design and work flow for their submissions.

Complete competition details and entry form can be obtained at this link on the IMDA website or by contacting:

For more information, contact Ron Schultz, executive director, In-Mold Decorating Assn.; 480-473-0301; fax: 480-473-0456; e-mail: ron.schultz@imdassociation.com.

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