Harper Celebrates Flexo Ed; Thousands Attend Seminars
- Published: June 11, 2003, By PRESS RELEASE
CHARLOTTE, NC, USA—Celebrating more than a decade of a focused effort on flexographic education, Harper Corp. of America says it has recorded more than 6,500 flexographers, co-suppliers, and educators attending their various flexo education seminars. According to the co., this number includes participants in Harper's WalkingSeminar and Flexo Technology Tours, which, adds the co., were created just four years ago.
"We learned many years ago that a converter educated in the complete flexographic process was a much easier customer to deal with," says Jim Harper, Harper's VP and chief customer officer. "Our focus on education has truly been a win-win situation, and most certainly an important part of our overall strategy that we plan to maintain."

Harper reports more than 5,500 individuals have participated in non-commercial WalkingSeminars held at the firm's Charlotte and Green Bay, WI, facilities since 1990, and more than 1,000 have attended Harper's Flexo Technology Tours held this year in Dallas, San Francisco, and Kansas City.
"Custom designed to the participants' needs," states Harper, "a variety of flexo-related subjects are discussed by technical personnel—from Harpers's Graphic Solutions Group (anilox rolls), HarperScientific supplies, and the Harper Opaltone Div.—to address comprehensively the industry's thirst for knowledge." Harper adds it also credits the opportunity for one-on-one contact with converters and co-suppliers (through the various seminars and the introduction of Platinum anilox technology) to be important contributors to its 13 1/2 increase in sales this year.
In addition to the WalkingSeminars and Flexo Technology Tours, Harper is active in various other industry educational programs, including being a leading proponent of the FFTA's Flexo in High Schools program and sponsoring the International Phoenix Challenge high school flexo competition since it began six years ago. For more information about Harper's education initiatives, contact Sonya Long at 704/588-3371 or by email at sonya@harperimage.com. Visit Harper Corp. at harperimage.com.