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Pack-Secure: Critical Conference for Current Crisis

MILLTOWN, NJ, USA—"Government officials and security experts say they believe the most serious threats are to processing and packaging facilities, the tail end of the food chain," New York Times.

The converting industry continues to make significant strides toward making life safer; a prompt reaction to the recent anthrax problem and the potential of an attack that could use bio-agents to contaminate the US food supply. Security is something we're all paying a bit more attention to these days; recent media coverage (see Battling the Biothreats and the NY Times quote listed above) reveals the crucial role packaging producers may play in this protection.

In light of the "current crisis," says The Packaging Group, Inc., the organization has slated Pack-Secure 2002 for December 11, 2001. States the event sponsor, "The one-day seminar will address protecting the integrity of the package/production operation."

Limited space is available for this timely and important conference. The Packaging Group suggests early registration, and says individuals registering before December 1, 2001, will receive a $20 discount off the conference fee of $595 (US). Pack-Secure 2002's schedule and location is listed below. For more information, call 732/636-0888; email univpac@aol.com; or visit The Packaging Group's web site at packaginggroup.com.

  • PACK-SECURE 2002

    Tuesday, December 11, 2001
    Sponsored by The Packaging Group, Inc.
    University Inn & Conference Center at Rutgers University
    178 Ryders Ln., New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8556

    Program Director, Lewis Barton, President, The Barton Group


  • 7:45-8:30 am—Continental Breakfast/Registration

  • 8:30-9:00 am—Welcoming Remarks, "Packaging in the Age of Terrorism"
    presented by Stanley Sacharow, executive director, The Packaging Group, and PFFC contributing editor

  • 9:00-9:45 am—"Microbiological Problems Related to Food Products: Possible Scenarios"
    Discussion of 13 viruses, 7 bacteria, 3 rickettsiae, 1 fungus, 12 biological toxins, and sources
    Stability, lethal effects, likelihood of attack, products
    presented by Stanley E. Katz, PhD, Microbiology, Rutgers University

  • "Pharmaceutical/Cosmetic Product Integrity: A Product Perspective"
    Illegal, fraudulent, unauthorized plastics; tampering of product; possible scenarios on drug-delivery impact; public safety impact; possible deterrents; costs and effects
    presented by Edward J. Smith, PhD, president, Pharmaceutical Science Resources

  • 10:30-11:00 am—Coffee/Refreshment Break


  • 11:00-11:45 am—"Improving Tamper-Evident Packaging: Tests, Problems, and Solutions"
    New techniques; costs/availability; line application; upgrading packages; crisis management; problem areas; testing techniques; and case histories
    presented by Jack L.Rosette, PhD, Forensic Packaging Consultant and author of Improving TE Packaging: Problems, Tests, and Solutions

  • 11:45 am-12:30 pm—"Package/Product Security Post-September 11: Perspectives and Approaches from Japan"
    Packages/products as possible targets; Japanese techniques; action plan; new security; products from Japan; crisis management, Japanese approach; testing global approach
    presented by Neil J. Kozarsky, president, T.H.E.M., div., Universal Synergetics Inc.

  • LUNCH—Critical Talk: "Crisis Management for Package Terroism"
    presented by Jack L. Rosette, PhD


  • 1:30-2:15 pm—"Methods and Issues in Delivering Security Materials in Packaging"
    invisible inks; taggents; secure manufacturing; costs; examples, availability; markets; applications
    presented by John P. Oakes, business development manager, Markem Corp.

  • 2:15-3:00 pm—"Real-Time Safeguards for Manufacturing and Distribution"
    Vulnerability/liability; spoilage indicators for biohazards; ingredients; integrity of package material before release; lab profiles: instant & test methods; electronic intelligence; assault alerts
    presented by Michael M. Blumenthal, PhD, principal/product manager, Libra Laboratories

  • 3:00-3:45 pm—"Utilizing Vision for Security"
    PC-based imaging system; package line integrity; product tracking; invisible marking; human movement on line safeguards; counterfeiting methods; costs
    presented by Gary Parish, director, Complete Inspection Systems (C.I.S.)

  • 3:45-4:30 pm—"Anti-Microbial Inks/Coating for Food and Pharma Packaging: A New Development"
    organic/inorganic additives; "No-Tox" inks; targeted microbes; packaging uses; costs; availability; present/projected uses; applications
    presented by Richard M. Podhajny, PhD, manager of Tech. Development, "No-Tox" Products, Colorcon and PFFC material science contributing editor

  • 4:30-5:00 pm—"What Now"
    presented by the speaker panel

Keep reading PFFC and pffc-online.com for further coverage on "bio-threats" and related converting industry developments.

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