
Digital Magazine

New Intl. Standard Gives Color Image Reference for Various Outputs

RESTON, VA | The International Organization  for Standardization Technical Committee 130 (ISO TC130) has published a reference of color images in electronic form for research, testing, and assessment of output systems (including  printers, color management systems, and color profiles). Titled ISO  12640-4 Graphic technology–Prepress  digital data exchange–Part 4: Wide gamut display-referred standard colour image  data [Adobe RGB (1998)/SCID], it can be purchased from the trade association NPES and ISO member national organizations.

This part of ISO 12640, according to an NPES press release,  provides a reference set of wide gamut display-referred color images in electronic form, encoded as 16-bit Adobe RGB  (1998) digital data, that can be used to evaluate changes in image quality  during coding, image processing (including color re-rendering and color space  transformations, compression and decompression), displaying on a color monitor  and printing. The images of Part 4 supplement the images of Part 1 (CMYK  data), Part 2 (sRGB gamut images), and Part 3 (large gamut images encoded as CIELAB  data). Part 4, available on DVD, includes 14 natural images and two synthetic  images (test charts).

For more information or to order, visit the Standards Workroom or contact Debbie Orf, NPES assistant director of  Standards, at 703/264-7229 or  dorf@npes.org.

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