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FTA Initiates Carbon Footprinting Project

BOHEMIA, NY | The Flexographic Technical Assn. announces the formation of a subcommitttee of the FTA Sustainability Committee to work on a carbon footprinting guide for flexo printers. In the association's July edition of its "EHS Direct" e-newsletter that examines environmental, health, and safety, Doreen Monteleone solicits participants for the subcommittee  (631-737-6020 x30) she will facilitate.

Monteleone explains that as the result of writing a series of articles with assitance of FTA's Sustainability Committee, with the first to appear in the August issue of FLEXO, she will provide an overview of carbon footprinting. Second article will cover calculating scope 2 emissions which are indirect emissions from purchased electricity.  She adds, "It is probably the most straightforward scope to calculate. We will follow with articles on calculating the direct emissions, also known as scope 1 and then the optional emissions, scope 3."

Monteleone further comments, "Calculating a carbon footprint can be very confusing. I've found that even trying to determine what should be included is confusing, let alone trying to come up with one number for carbon at the end of the calculation. Our members are being asked to do this by their customers, so it's not something we can ignore. . . ." She believes that handling the project "broken into chunks" will allow better handling of the project.

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