TAPPI Offers New Product
- Published: February 01, 2004, By David J. Bentley Jr., the PLACE Editor
Beginning in March 2004, TAPPI will offer a new product for companies and individuals who use the TAPPI Test Methods and Technical Information Papers (TIPS). A company license will be available for Test Methods and TIPS that will allow any company paying the annual license fee to access all these documents for all their employees on the Internet. The documents will be word searchable and will undergo continuous updating. Users will no longer need to wait for a new CD or book, watch for update announcements, or search for individual updates as they occur.
Licensees will have continuous access to the documents using a system that will recognize the Internet address of a company to give access to those licensed companies without using a password. Users will never need to concern themselves about having the most current document. The most current one will always be available.
Licensees can print the documents from this web-based system. Persons who prefer a hard copy of a Test Method or TIP will find this new product more economical than purchasing a book of the documents.
Companies that have legal and ethical concerns about the use of intellectual property will find the new system valuable. A company buying a full license will never need to ask permission to reproduce documents for internal use. The license fee will give the company that right. Concerns about the present CD license that restricts use to one individual on one computer and about the legal ramifications of making multiple copies for internal use will not exist. Everyone in a licensed company will have full access.
Individuals not associated with a company can also purchase the license. The only difference will be that they may need a password to access the site.
The cost of a license will depend on several factors such as the number of company employees or number of locations. Each license will therefore require a specific price quotation. To ask questions about the cost or any other feature of the new product, send an email message to tmtipsales@tappi.org or telephone 770-209-7287.