
Digital Magazine

Label PRomotion | Labels Need to Embellish Personal Experience

Do you feel betrayed when trying to read a label whose contents are listed in four-point type? What about the frustration of trying to remove the label or sticker on the plastic packaging around a flower arrangement? Do you feel searing hot flashes of anger on produce labels when trying to discover expiration dates or whether or not the contents have been pre-washed?

All these scenarios point to a common malady—a manufacturer unwilling or unable to embellish the consumer’s personal experience when interacting with their product. It’s a big deal to many—and often can drive decisions to buy a more label-friendly product.

While the acronym “PR” traditionally has stood for “public relations,” it’s also evolving to represent “personal relations.” No amount of image-enhancing messages to the masses will replace the importance of that one-on-one interaction, where someone either bonds with or blows off a product—often because of seemingly insignificant details like those identified above.

In some cases, such as small type on a label, the problem can be difficult to solve. Many products have a limited amount of real estate and a variety of required disclosures—hence tiny type. Other issues, such as stubborn adhesive that doesn’t want to peel off that flower wrapping, should be easy to solve.

Following are some simple steps product manufacturers can take to help ensure good PR—personal relations—with prospects and present customers alike:

  • Employ the “all the news that’s fit to print” versus the “all the news that fits to print” philosophy when addressing label content. Think about buyer preferences and needs, and prioritize these elements on your labels. For example, products appealing chiefly to older audiences should provide the largest and most readable font size possible for the most sought-after information. Increasingly, this is the contents section, as buyers young and old are becoming much more sophisticated about what they eat, drink, or apply to their bodies.
  • Think about stick-to-itiveness. When seeking to persevere, this can be a good quality. When it comes to labels, perhaps not so much. If, as in the case of a floral arrangement, the label is likely to be removed, make it easy to do so. But, also think about other potential reasons for removal-friendly adhesive. Some people like to keep the label from a favorite bottle or wine or jar of salsa as a re-purchasing trigger.
  • Provide an easily accessed conduit to more information. This can be digitally-based information found by scanning a QR code with a smartphone or a similar user-friendly way to get additional product information quickly. While including a web address on the label was once sufficient, today’s consumers generally won’t spend the time wading through a belabored process. It needs to be efficient, and something easily accessible while they’re in the store making a buying decision.

As part of the expanded information on a digital platform, either provide a sampling of product reviews and/or a quick link to them. Increasingly, the process of transforming a shopper into a buyer hinges on their confirmation of product quality in the eyes of other users. While certifications and high-flying language about quality control can carry weight, many consumers are now wary of such claims—as so many of them have proven to be largely marketing hype. People want to know what other people think. Often, these anecdotal accounts are more powerful than any other credentials.

When it comes to personal relations, it really goes back to the time-honored creed in commerce: Give the people what they want. In return, they will reward you handsomely.

Mark LuskyMark Lusky is president of Lusky Enterprises Inc., a marketing communications and content development company. Since 2008, he has worked with Lightning Labels, a Denver-based all-digital custom label printing company, as a content developer specializing in expert advice articles. Lusky presents common-sense ideas grounded in doing what’s real and right for managing and enhancing public image.

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